XTX US Tour (谢天笑美国巡演 Palo Alto 站)
BACMA 非常抱歉的通知大家,谢天笑的演出由于不可抗拒的因素被迫延期。下面是摩登天空的官方通知。BACMA已经完成了整个退票工作。我们对取消这次摇滚盛宴深表歉意,我们之前为大家付出的努力也都付诸东流,一场好的演出所花费的精力和金钱在这些不可抗拒因素面前和大家对于摇滚乐的热情面前都微不足道。希望大家都继续支持中国摇滚!感谢大家,如果对于退票有疑问,请电邮baympa@gmail.com。我们会第一时间回复! XTX USA TOUR – RESCHEDULED We regret to announce that XTX’s sound engineer was...
Ronghao Li Concert
Purchase tickets, click here You will received “new order” email once you put the order. You will received...
Sing to Our Friends III|唱给朋友们听3
BACMA is thrilled to present the third concert in the series “Sing to Our Friends” at the end...