BACMA 非常抱歉的通知大家,谢天笑的演出由于不可抗拒的因素被迫延期。下面是摩登天空的官方通知。BACMA已经完成了整个退票工作。我们对取消这次摇滚盛宴深表歉意,我们之前为大家付出的努力也都付诸东流,一场好的演出所花费的精力和金钱在这些不可抗拒因素面前和大家对于摇滚乐的热情面前都微不足道。希望大家都继续支持中国摇滚!感谢大家,如果对于退票有疑问,请电邮。我们会第一时间回复!
We regret to announce that XTX’s sound engineer was refused a visa to the United States today (2nd attempt), no reason was provided by the embassy. He plays a very critical role in the live show, and is essentially a member of the band. The band feels the quality of the live show will be greatly compromised, and so we regretfully need to reschedule the tour.
We will announce new dates once we are able to sort out the visa issue. On behalf of the band and everyone at Modern Sky, we sincerely apologize to all the fans.
We will refund for the total fare paid for the tickets. An email will be sent to all ticket holders regarding the refund process. If you still have questions, please email with your questions.
Modern Sky USA

所有的票都是final ,不能退还. 只有电子票, 电子票会发送到订票邮箱.
BACMA Presents: XTX USA Tour 2017 – Palo Alto
地点: 1069 E Meadow Cir, Palo Alto, CA 94303
— All ages
—Advance tickets: $35 GA / $65 VIP
Day of the show: $40 GA / $70 VIP
–VIP includes:
• Early entry and/or VIP area
• CD/merch signing session opp.
• Group photo opp.
—7:00pm doors 8:00pm show
Legendary Chinese rocker XTX (Xie Tian Xiao 谢天笑) brings his explosive live show to the US in April. The tour, produced by seminal Chinese label/promoter Modern Sky, hits nine cities including Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, New York, and Indianapolis. Originally from Shandong, XTX got his start in Beijing in the mid-1990s, forming the grunge act Cold Blooded Animal (冷血动物) and releasing the band’s self-titled debut on Chinese underground rock label Scream Records in 2000. A 2002 tour of the US, during which Cold Blooded Animal became the first Mainland rock band to perform at SXSW, and two years living in New York City, honed the vision for XTX. Nearly two decades of wild live shows and a bad-boy reputation have made XTX a mainstay headliner at major Chinese music festivals, and a legend among Chinese rock fans.
他被媒体和乐迷公认为中国摇滚乐“现场之王”,他的歌曲以及现场表现力让无数歌迷为之痴狂,更被无数人翻唱。他还富有创造力地把距中国古老乐器“古筝”融入他的音乐中,这种具有浓厚的中国古典气质的音乐元素,与西方摇滚乐达到完美结合,并且独创出一种全新的中国摇滚之声,使西方的摇滚乐文化与中国传统文化相映成辉。古筝像流水,摇滚像石头,古筝与摇滚的相融就是独特与桀骜的混血。谢天笑的音乐和舞台张力具有高度可识别性,激情不羁的同时深沉内敛,时而暴虐,时而温情 , 柔似山间细流、疾如狂风暴雨。谢天笑凭借其无以复加的疯狂表演,震撼着每一位观众的心灵。在广大乐迷心中,谢天笑的音乐不仅仅是摇滚乐,还是西方现代文明与中国古老哲学思想的完美结合体,是力量与思考的化身。